Davram Bashere

Davram Bashere is a fictional character featured in The Wheel of Time series of fantasy novels by Robert Jordan.

Bashere is a Saldaean nobleman, the High Seat of House Bashere, Lord of Bashere, Tyr, and Sidona, Marshal-General of Saldaea, Defender of the Blight Border. He is uncle to Saldaea's Queen Tenobia, and the current heir-presumptive to the Broken Crown of Saldaea. As Marshal-General, Davram Bashere is the head of the Saldaean army. He is noted as one of the best generals in the world, ranking among the Five Great Captains.

He is a small man, short and slender. His hair is black streaked with gray, and he has a thick, down-turned mustache. Like most Saldaeans, he has a large, hooked nose and tilted eyes.

After Mazrim Taim falsely declares himself the Dragon Reborn, Tenobia sends Davram to capture him. Taim has his way with Davram's forces until the images of Rand al'Thor battling Ba'alzamon in the sky appear and Taim is thrown from his horse. After Taim escapes his Aes Sedai captors, however, Davram is sent south to capture him again.

After Rand kills Rahvin and takes Caemlyn, Bashere meets with him and offers his services. He becomes one of Rand's most important and trusted advisors and lieutenants, particularly in military matters. When Taim tests new Black Tower recruits, all of the men who cannot channel are sent to Bashere to be trained. He puts together an impressive fighting force, The Legion of the Dragon, which is sworn to fight for the Dragon Reborn.

Bashere's daughter Zarine, known as Faile Bashere, falls in love with and marries Perrin Aybara. Davram does not disapprove of his new son-in-law, even though he is a commoner. Davram once stated that if you followed every noble house's ancestry far enough, you'd find a talented commoner at the start of it.

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